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- Tammy

Maternity Photo Sessions: Top 3 FAQs Answered

Hello everyone, and welcome! Today I'm happy to explore the top three questions that most clients ask me when it comes to scheduling a maternity photo session.

Back in my pregnancy days, photo sessions to show off our pregnant bellies weren't really a thing and I wish they had been. I look back and I can count on one hand the number of photos I have of me expecting (and that includes all 3 of my pregnancies). Kind of sad, right?

I've never heard anyone say that they regret doing a maternity photo session. In fact, it's quite the opposite. A maternity session is so much more than just creating beautiful images of your expecting figure. It's a time to celebrate this part of your life's story right before your new addition arrives. I love capturing the anticipation and connection between two people in love with each other and with their newborn-to-be.

Expecting a new baby comes tons of questions. Here is a list of the top 3 that I hear and I hope this will help as you think about your photo session (or if you're just entertaining the idea of doing one).

#1. When should I schedule my maternity session?

The "rule of thumb" in the industry is that maternity sessions should be scheduled when you are at 27-32 weeks gestation. The reasons for this are simple: this is usually when mommy-to-be is feeling her best and it is also when the belly is at its "best looking" stage (meaning, it's big enough to be an obvious pregnant belly yet not too large that you appear uncomfortable). These are the weeks when nausea starts to subside, typically, and when other unpleasant changes (such as pregnancy acne) improve and you just feel better in general. Remember, this is just a basic guide to help you plan as scheduling outside of the weeks is certainly doable.

Side note: if you would like to have photos from your session displayed at your baby shower (great idea, btw), just remember to ask your photographer about the turnaround time so that you can schedule accordingly.

#2. What do I wear for my maternity session?

Ahhh yes, the big question of what to wear. Well for starters, I offer wardrobe changes so you don't have to limit yourself to just one outfit (yay!). I recommend first considering your personal style and suggest not to make this the first time you dress of out of your comfort zone.

There are lots of factors to consider such as your setting. Will your session be indoors or outdoors? Think about the colors of your scene and the mood and vibe you want to create. You might be drawn to scenic views or something at home and more intimate may be your calling. Once you decide this, thinking of what to wear becomes an easier task.

Another major factor is weather, especially if your session will be outdoors. I suggest dressing for the season and to also consider the time of your session and hourly changes in temperature. Location goes hand-in-hand with weather so that should also be at the top of your list when deciding what to wear. For example, in-home sessions intimate and your outfits should be comfortable and casual, not formal. Your attire should be casual for a session on the beach (and you won't need shoes!). If your backdrop is scenic with beautiful architecture you may want to consider something more formal or dressy.

#3. I'm not great with posing. How do I pose and do you help?

I love this question for so many reasons but I think it's mainly because this is where we shine when we're creating together. But for the record, we do not do cheesy and by cheesy I'm pretty sure you know what I mean. Posing with your belly may feel awkward and unnatural so leading up to your session, I suggest sharing images back and forth with your photographer to ensure you're both on the same page. So, yes, of course I help! I love referencing my own work and the work of others before and during a session as visuals are a big help.

Most of my maternity sessions involve your significant other and your children if you already have a family. In other words, they are "family maternity sessions." I tell stories with my photos so the focus is less on "perfect posing." Rather, the focus is on the intimacy and the feelings being shared while celebrating the couple or family that you are, in the moment, before the big change that's about to happen. Still, posed photos are always included in your session as they are significant, I just emphasize that posing isn't something that we'll stress about. By the time we meet for your session, we'll already have a really good idea of how everything will flow and what poses should be included during your session based on the vibes we're going for. Worry not, my Beauties!

Below is an example of a family maternity session where I captured the family simply enjoying their time together along with a simple, casually posed photo of mommy-to-be.

I hope you have found this to be helpful!

Coming soon: A client guide to maternity sessions featuring more FAQs, posing suggestions, location ideas, and how to incorporate your significant other and children. Stay tuned!

Please feel free to share and follow along on social media!

Love to all!






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